Poms Prestige

Allevamento Amatoriale – Spitz Tedeschi Nani (Volpino di Pomerania)

                                                        Cell.  +39 - 3205660856   



And….. after Jaisha      still..... a beautiful Jan Shar’s Pomerania.

Moonlight, as a whirlwind, has entered in our family

and she’s the most vivacious of all my dogs.

She doesn't succeed to be silent and without to move for a second.

She expresses her vitality with continuous games and with them she calls the whole family to share

 her glad moments and, it seems always she wants, that we live in her same way joyous.

We are really very happy to have Moonlight in our home!!!!!!

Once again                  thanks, Sharon!



Jan Shars Moonlight in the Sky 3 months old

Jan Shars Moonlight in the Sky 4 months old

Jan Shars Moonlight in the Sky 7 months old

Jan Shars Moonlight in the Sky 17 months old



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graphic by adelina